
The Pontifex Tarot
with David Allen Hulse
A few years back Nil was reading The Key of it All and got in contact with its author David. Out of the resulting correspondence a deep friendship was born and the joint work on the Pontifex Tarot developed. During the two year spanning intensive work thus a Tarot was created which contributes to reconcile the split Tarot community.
David Allen Hulse has been pursuing the mystical and magical traditions of the East and West since the 1960s. His esoteric research has deciphered the many ancient traditions of alphabetic magic, based on the power of number in its relationship to the written word. Author of many books including The Eastern Mysteries, The Western Mysteries and Abrahadabra.

The Visual Zodiac
with Alejandro C. Luna
Alejandro and Nil share a long and very fruitful friendship for many many years. Being kindred spirits, both have in common the love and devotion to the sacred languages.Together they have created three card decks: Visual Zodiac, Visual Zodiac Pro and the Orange Luna Tarot.
Alejandro C. Luna is an Argentine Astrology consultant and teacher, professional ontological coach and graphic designer. Trained in Psychosynthesis. He is part of the Casa XI research group. He has participated in congresses and workshops in Argentina, America and Europe. Author and Co-Autor with Vanesa Maiorana of many books on Astrology, including EcoAstrologìa and AstroHologìa Vol. 1 and 2.